Sinergia Consortium Brain Communication Pathways

Dr. Marco Pizzolato

Marco Pizzolato was born in Verona, Italy. He received his Bachelor and Master degrees in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Padua, and a specialization master degree in Computer Game Development from the University of Verona. He obtained his PhD in Image and Signal Processing at Inria Sophia Antipolis (University of Côte d'Azur) under the supervision of Prof. Rachid Deriche.

During his career he worked as trainee patent attorney, and as research engineer for Olea Medical. Since August 2017 he is a post-doc at EPFL in the LTS5 signal processing lab.

Research interests

  • Diffusion MRI
  • Myelin Imaging
  • Perfusion MRI


Dr Marco Pizzolato

Laboratoire de traitement des signaux 5
ELD 233 (Bâtiment ELD)
Station 11
CH-1015 Lausanne